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Last publication: proceedings of SFIIC conference, INP, Paris, 24-26 juin 2009

"Art to day, cultural properties of tomorrow"
The conservation and restoration of contemporary artwork

368 p. all color.
ISBN : 2 - 905430 - 16 - 8
46 €






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The book include all papers published at the conference; there are six main topics:

● Right, ethics
● Installation, movement
● Synthétic materials
● Painting, graphic arts
● Photography, new médias
●  Monumental and autside Art

These topics concern the main questions that are specific to contemporary art, either in the field of right (intellectual property, intervention of the artist, etc.), or in the field of installations (question of reparing them, original materials...) or new medias (computer science). Question regarding monumental and outide art allow to illustrate some examples of integration or contemporay art in the urban context or natural environment.

Paper ar published in their original language (French or English), with an abstract in the other language.

There are about 20 papers in English and 20 papers in French.

see or download the full table of contents ( pdf format)

abstrasts of papers (in constuction)
see some papers (pdf) (in construction)